Grashof number, ground—air

The Grashof number is a dimensionless number in fluid dynamics and heat transfer which approximates the ratio of the buoyancy to viscous force acting on a fluid. It frequently arises in the study of situations involving natural convection.

The transition to turbulent flow occurs in the range 10$^8$ < $Gr_L$ < 10$^9$ for natural convection from vertical flat plates. At higher Grashof numbers, the boundary layer is turbulent; at lower Grashof numbers, the boundary layer is laminar.

$\frac{g \beta_{gas} \left(T_{gas}-T_{bulk}\right) {L_{cm}}^3}{{\nu_{gas}}^2}$for vertical flat planes
$\frac{g \beta_{gas} \left(T_{gas}-T_{bulk}\right) {D_o}^3}{{\nu_{gas}}^2}$for pipes
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