Span length

Definition according to Cigre TB 531 chap.

Resistance link [$\Omega$/m]
Reactance link [$\Omega$/m]
1Link connecting two substationsWhere the grounding resistances are small e.g. for a link between 2 substations, this parameter may be neglected.
2Link between a substation and a overhead line with skywireAt a transition OHL/UGL, the grounding resistance to consider is the resistance of the transition tower in parallel with the impedance of the skywire.
3Siphon - overhead line with skywireIf the magnitudes of the grounding resistances at both ends of the underground link are similar, the short-circuit return current shares nearly equally between the ground and the metal screens.
4Link between a substation and a overhead line without skywireWhere the grounding resistances are small and where the return current injected in the earth at the fault location is large e.g. for a link between a substations and a overhead line without skywire, this parameter may be neglected.
5Siphon - overhead line without skywireConsidering typical grounding resistances of several Ohms, the preferential return path is the ground. Where the return current injected in the earth at the fault location is large e.g. in the case of an overhead line without skywire, this parameter may be neglected.