We introduced the possibility to print datasheets and calculation reports optionally in US customary units.
Posted 2022-04-02
New feature
, User guides
Cableizer is based on IEC standards and therefore uses the International System of Units (SI), commonly known as the metric system. With the new version from March 2022 you have now the possibility to create cable datasheets and calculation reports as well in Imperial / US customary units.
The International System of Units, or short SI, is the international standard for measurement which rests on a foundation of seven defining constants: the cesium hyperfine splitting frequency, the speed of light in vacuum, the Planck constant, the elementary charge (i.e. the charge on a proton), the Boltzmann constant, the Avogadro constant, and the luminous efficacy of a specified monochromatic source. Definitions of all seven SI base units are expressed using an explicit-constant formulation and experimentally realized using a specific practical technique.
Quantity | Typical symbol | Name | Symbol |
Time | $t$ | Second | s |
Length | $l$, $x$, $r$, etc. | Meter | m |
Mass | $m$ | Kilogram | kg |
Electric current | $I$ | Ampere | A |
Thermodynamic temperature | $T$ | Kelvin | K |
Amount of substance | $n$ | Mole | mol |
Luminous intensity | $I_{V}$ | Candela | cd |
In the user profile you choose your prefered unit system: SI units or Imperial / US customary units. This affects only the output of your cable datasheets and calculation reports. In the cable editor and project editors all values have to be entered in SI units and all entered data is kept in SI units in the database and calculation is done exclusively in SI units. For the future, we intend to allow inputs in US units for the cable editor.
The reports and the attached cable data sheets will be printed with values according to the selected prefered units system. For cable datasheets, the user has the option to select the other units system.
The output in the datasheets and calculation reports is of the same clarity as used to. All values with units as listed in the conversion table below will be converted to the selected units system, actually as data is currently always stored in SI units, the conversion only takes place when printing in Imperial / US customary units.
We use following conversion factors between SI and US units.
Quantity | Symbol | SI unit | US unit | Factor | Shift |
Length | L, D, d, r, s, x | mm cm m km |
in in ft mile |
0.0393700787 0.393700787 3.2808399 0.621371192 |
2 1 0 0 |
Area | A | mm$^2$ m$^2$ |
in$^2$ ft$^2$ |
0.0015500031 10.7639104 |
3 –1 |
Volume | V | m$^3$ | ft$^3$ | 35.314666883 | –1 |
Electric current Reactive Power |
I P |
A/km kvar/m kvar/km |
A/mile kvar/ft kvar/mile |
1.609344 0.3048 1.609344 |
0 0 |
Resistance, Reactance, Impedance | R, X, Z | $\Omega$/m $\Omega$/km |
$\Omega$/ft $\Omega$/mile |
0.3048 1.609344 |
1 0 |
Inductance Capacitance Electrical conductance |
L G H |
H/m F/m S/m |
H/ft F/ft S/ft |
0.3048 0.3048 0.3048 |
1 1 1 |
Losses | W | W/m | W/ft | 0.3048 | 1 |
Thermal resistivity Thermal conductivity Thermal capacitance |
T k Q |
K.m/W W/(m.K) J/(m.K) |
K.ft/W W/(K.ft) J/(ft.K) |
3.2808399 0.3048 0.3048 |
0 1 1 |
Specific electrical resistivity | $\rho$ | $\Omega$.m | $\Omega$.ft | 3.2808399 | 0 |
Specific heat capacity | cp | J/(kg.K) | ft$^2$/(s$^2$.K) | 10.7639104 | –1 |
Specific volumetric heat capacity | $\sigma$ | J/(K.m$^3$) | J/(K.ft$^3$) | 0.028316846 | 2 |
Heat transfer coefficient | $\alpha$ | W/(K.m$^2$) | W/(K.ft$^2$) | 0.09290304 | 1 |
Velocity | V | cm/s m/s |
in/s ft/s |
0.393700787 3.2808399 |
1 0 |
Acceleration | g | m/s$^2$ | ft$^2$ | 3.28084 | 0 |
Density | $\zeta$ | g/cm$^3$ | lb/ft$^3$ | 62.4279606 | –2 |
Mass | m | kg/km kg/m |
lb/mile lb/ft |
3.54799619 0.3048 |
1 0 |
Pressure | p | hPa bar |
psi psi |
0.0145037738 14.5037738 |
2 –1 |
Pulling force | F | N/mm$^2$ | N/in$^2$ | 645.16 | –3 |
Kinematic viscosity | $\nu$ | m$^2$/s | cSt | 1000000 | 0 |
Dynamic viscosity | $\eta$ | Pa.s | cP | 1000 | 0 |
Stefan Bolzmann constant | $\sigma$ | W/m$^2$K$^4$ | BTU/(hr.ft$^2$.°R$^4$) | 0.0302174 | 3 |
The derived units in the SI are formed by powers, products, or quotients of the base units and are potentially unlimited in number. Derived units are associated with derived quantities; for example, velocity is a quantity that is derived from the base quantities of time and length, and thus the SI derived unit is metre per second (symbol m/s). The dimensions of derived units can be expressed in terms of the dimensions of the base units.
Combinations of base and derived units may be used to express other derived units. For example, the SI unit of force is the newton (N), the SI unit of pressure is the pascal (Pa) and the pascal can be defined as one newton per square metre (N/m$^2$).
Name | Quantity | Symbol | Unit |
Plane angle | Radian | rad | m/m |
Frequency | Hertz | Hz | s$^{-1}$ |
Force, Weight | Newton | N | kg.m.s$^{-2}$ |
Pressure | Pascal | Pa | kg.m$^{-1}$.s$^{-2}$ |
Energy, Work, Heat | Joule | J | kg.m$^2$.s$^{-2}$ |
Power, Radiant flux | Watt | W | kg.m$^2$.s$^{-3}$ |
Electric charge | Coulomb | C | s.A |
Electrical potential difference (voltage) | Volt | V | kg.m$^2$.s$^{-3}$.A$^{-1}$ |
Capacitance | Farad | F | kg$^{-1}$.m$^{-2}$.s$^4$.A$^2$ |
Resistance, Impedance, Reactance | Ohm | $\Omega$ | kg$^{-1}$.m$^{-2}$.s$^3$.A$^2$ |
Electrical conductance | Siemens | S | |
Magnetic flux density | Tesla | T | kg.s$^{-2}$.A$^{-2}$ |
Inductance | Henry | H | kg.m$^2$.s$^{-2}$.A$^{-2}$ |
Temperature (relative to 273.15 K) | degree Celcius | °C | K |